Hospitalization & ED Visits
Taking steps to help prevent illness and manage your health are important.
Making healthier choices and seeing your general practitioner
at one of our MHHC health clinics for regular health checks can aid in reducing your risk of disease and
injury. Even with careful planning, however, there are times when emergencies
can arise.
If you have been admitted to the hospital or have sought care from the
emergency department (ED), it is important that you notify your routine
healthcare provider. MHHC patients are strongly encouraged to call (718)
716-4400 and
MHHC Brooklyn patients are strongly encouraged to call (929) 512-3900 to inform the
health center and your primary care provider (PCP) when a hospital admission
or ED visit has taken place.
If you are a patient of MHHC or MHHC Brooklyn, notifying us about a hospital
or ED stay is important because it can provide you with better onsite
care and aftercare results!
Coordination of patient care: While in distress and particularly in moments of pain, self-reported
information about your health history may be forgotten or incomplete.
By notifying your MHHC primary care provider (PCP) about your hospital/
ED stay, we can ensure that your hospital care team receives all the information
necessary to properly address your urgent medical needs—that includes
current and past diagnosis, treatments, prescriptions, and allergies.
Communication and coordination with your PCP can help emergency physicians
as they formulate plans of care, particularly for patients with chronic
illnesses who may have complex medical histories.
Follow-up Care: Lack of timely information about your admission hospitals or ED visits
can make follow-up care inefficient or incomplete. It is important that
MHHC communicates with your emergency physician to create an actionable
care plan that addresses your health needs following hospital/ED discharge
to ensure that you stay healthy.
Notify us today! Call MHHC at (718) 716-4400 or
MHHC Brooklyn at (929) 512-3900, to inform us if you have been admitted to the hospital
or have visited the ED!